The 15 foods that will help you lose weight


Exercising regularly is perfect for increasing muscle mass and burning fat, but if you really want to see your weight change, what you eat does matter. But losing weight doesn’t mean starving yourself – it’s about choosing the right foods that are satisfying and low-calorie. If you want to lose weight, it is important that you start to renew your diet. To start, you can alternate these 15 foods.

1. Avocados

Fight Fat by Eating Fat: Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which can help decrease belly fat. Cut a few pieces and add them to your morning toast, or try one of the thousand avocado recipes that exist.

2. Hummus

If you always have hummus in your fridge, you will never eat a junk snack again. You can pair this protein treat with raw vegetables like carrots, serve it on top of green salads, or even use it in place of mayo in a sandwich – you’ll save tons of calories. Or buy a fridge just to fill it with hummus, or try a creative recipe every week. It is the perfect food.

3. Sauce

A simple, homemade sauce is packed with fresh, flavorful ingredients. You can add them as a condiment in salads, or use them with meat or fish without the need to add a lot of calories – unlike with pre-cooked sauces.

4. Potatoes

They may be full of carbohydrates, but potatoes are not the enemy food. In 2008 a study found that potatoes are the food that makes people feel fuller. Potato skin is full of fiber and starch doesn’t have tons of calories, so they can be part of your diet – just make sure you eat the skin and watch what you accompany the potatoes with. Stay away from butter, bacon, and fried foods.

5. Lean meats

Meat is an excellent source of protein to build muscle and keep you full. But eating fatty and processed meats is not so good for your physique or for your health. Instead, go for the leanest cuts of meat in order to keep your meals low in calories.

6. Walnuts

A 2011 study published that people who ate a handful of nuts a day had higher levels of serotonin – the feel-good hormone that can act as an appetite suppressant. Having high levels of serotonin also helps lower your stress level – a great help when you’re struggling to shed belly fat.

7. Greek Yogurt

Studies have shown that people who add Greek yogurt to their diets lose more weight than those who don’t. This is an excellent choice because it is packed with protein and so versatile. You can use it in sauces, as a dessert, as breakfast or in many other options.

8. Soup

Broth-based soups. They are the best friend of good eating habits because they fill you up and are really low in calories. They are low in sodium, and if you prepare a large pot on the weekend, you can enjoy it throughout the week.

9. Chia seeds

Fiber, protein, omega-3 – chia seeds contain all of these. Not only that, but when mixed with liquids, they can make you feel satiated with smaller portions. Sprinkle chia seeds in your smoothies or top your salads. The best option is to prepare a chia pudding before going to sleep and enjoy it the next day with breakfast.

10. Salmon

Fish like salmon is the quintessential source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for millions of things, including blood pressure, helping to have a healthier heart. But omega-3s also help reduce inflammation in the body, which helps you recover more quickly after exercising. It also stimulates the metabolism. For all these reasons, salmon is the perfect food for when you want to lose weight.

11. Beans

They keep great for a long time in the pantry, as well as being a great source of protein. Putting beans in any healthy, low-calorie meal is not going to take long. You can try making bean hummus, you are sure to love it.

12. Oatmeal

Swap your breakfast cereals for a bowl of oatmeal and you’ll magically lose weight. A recent study found that those who ate oatmeal instead of cereal consumed the same amount of calories, but felt full for longer thanks to its high fiber content.

13. Berries

Studies have shown that the antioxidant anthocyanin found in berries can alter the activity of genes in fat cells, making it more difficult to gain weight. Blueberries are especially known as antioxidants (hence their blue color). Include them in your breakfasts.

14. Apples

Apples are the fruits with the most pectin of all, in addition to having a lot of soluble fiber, which helps you feel full for longer. Eat an apple in the middle of the morning, and you will see how at lunchtime you will feel that you have less appetite.

15. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, which makes you feel full for longer and helps regulate blood sugar levels – which will make you lose weight with almost no need to do anything. But instead of eating the fried sweet potatoes, opt for something healthier like a sweet potato burrito with black beans.

Sliced Watermelon and Green Vegetable on White Ceramic Plate



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