Speed up your metabolism with these foods


Maintaining a constant metabolism allows our body to be healthy and fit since it will work to balance our body and not gain weight. That is why today we offer you the foods you can eat to burn calories and make your metabolism work.

Foods that speed up your metabolism

  • Water: drinking 2 liters of water daily helps speed up your metabolism by 30%. Essential to reduce swelling and inflammation generated by sodium and toxins that accumulate in our body.
  • Green tea: thanks to the powerful antioxidants it has, it benefits in the acceleration of metabolism, in addition to helping to prevent cancer and cardiovascular problems.
  • Grapefruit: a fruit that you should take into account when losing weight, since thanks to this food you can reduce fat and increase your metabolism.
  • Apples: the antioxidant compounds and fiber they have will help to greatly improve your metabolism, in addition to satisfying your hunger for longer.
  • Low-fat yogurt: proteins and calcium are the essential compounds in this food that will help you lose weight since the former collaborate in accelerating the metabolism and the latter allows weight loss.
  • Broccoli: due to its abundant properties in calcium and vitamin C, it is the most important vegetable for losing weight and increasing our metabolism.
  • Oatmeal: this food is essential in our meals since it allows us to fight bad cholesterol, release energy in our blood and help burn fat. Combine it with your juices, soups, salads, etc.


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