Is it effective to take shakes to lose weight and burn fat?


Everything that surrounds weight loss is often polluting with false promises and half-truths. In this article, we are going to clear up some of the misconceptions around shakes to lose weight and burn fat.

Come on, come on, you sure won’t regret reading this.

What is a weight-loss shake?

Let’s see, this should be the first question we should ask ourselves if we are thinking of having a shake to lose weight. What exactly do we expect from him? Take it and go down a couple of sizes?

Let’s see, the different types of shakes to lose weight that we can find:

Substitute shakes

This type of “supplement” is usually framed as an essential element of the diet to lose weight. Basically, they are usually mixtures of water, with sugar and some vitamins and minerals.

Of course, not enough to have nutritional wealth and take care of our health.

Do they lose weight?

It is possible, yes. You also lose weight by not eating. They have no magical property other than malnutrition.

Protein shakes

Protein shakes are becoming mainstream as many brands are turning to protein products.

I’ll never understand why, but many people associate “extra protein” with weight loss. They don’t make any sense.

Slimming fruit smoothies

At this point I want to tell you a story that happened to me this week in the consultation:

I recently started working with a person who has an anorexia-type eating disorder. One of the things that I always ask my patients at the beginning is that during the first week they record their meals.

This helps me to see first-hand what their diet is like and not depend on memory. Almost every night she had a smoothie with 5 or 6 pieces of fruit for dinner.

I asked her the reason for doing this, and she explained that she felt good doing it.

Foods in liquid form have the “advantage” that they swell less and also raise blood sugar levels a lot. This causes satiety to be much less.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, for people with anorexia problem, feeling hungry is usually a positive feeling. Rather, feel an empty stomach.

The fact is that those shakes that she prepared were largely sugar since for example all the fiber of the skin was left out of it.

However, if I had asked her to eat a salad and a steak, surely a less caloric preparation than those shakes, she would have felt bad.

Well, I think it’s all said.

Homemade slimming shakes

There are two words that we love when we go to buy food, one of them is “bio” or “natural”. The other is “homemade.”

We tend to think that home is better. Man, it’s better because we choose the ingredients, yes.

Now smoothies have become fashionable, with chia seed, oatmeal, or others. These foods are healthy, of course.

But they won’t make us lose weight! In fact, they have quite a bit of energy.

Let’s see, if we get the idea in our heads at once that there are no magic bullets. That the only way to lose weight is with patience, changing our less healthy habits, and getting out of a sedentary lifestyle.

These types of shakes can be a good option to lose weight if they act as a replacement for other undesirable habits.

For example, if you have to go to training and you give me the choice between eating half a package of cookies and a shake of this type, the decision is clear.

Vegetable smoothies

We return a bit with the same, vegetable smoothies can be useful depending on the use we give them.

I would never recommend that anyone substitute food for a smoothie. Now, if you are fond of or take a liking to these types of drinks, they can be a very good resource.

For example, if you go out for a drink one day and they have that option on the menu, it may be a good alternative.

So there are no fat-burning shakes?

Of course not.

The only way to burn fat is to produce a caloric deficit. This deficit is carried out by eating a balanced diet.

If you need to lose weight, it is probably because your diet is not healthy. I am not saying that you should not eat everything, but maybe you are abusing foods that are not recommended.


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