How to lose fat without losing muscle the easy way


Losing fat and not muscle is the dream of many. Who wants to have saggy skin and can have it firm and smooth? Who wants a belly being able to choose to show off abs? Achieving this is only possible on the basis of diet and some exercise.

However, it can also be achieved without the need to do sports, but, yes, we run the risk of losing muscle mass in the process of losing weight. So that this does not happen to us, you have to do a series of things and consume certain foods that we detail below.

Easy way to weight loss, according to an expert

To lose fat, the body must be in a calorie deficit, and this can be achieved in two ways: by increasing your physical activity and / or by consuming fewer calories. The best? The first option that we have given you at the beginning of the article: slightly increase physical activity and decrease calorie intake without going crazy.

We go first with the caloric reduction. On average, an average man needs about 2,500 calories a day to function normally, and a woman needs about 2,000. If you want to lose weight, you will have to reduce these numbers by about 500 kcal per day and, above all, exercise to burn them and change certain foods for others that help build muscle and accelerate metabolism. If what we want is exclusively to reduce fat and increase muscle, we will have to add between 200 and 300 calories to the average daily consumption.

Nutrition expert assures in Health that “the consumption of whole foods, mostly minimally processed, rich in fiber, healthy fats and proteins will help us achieve a calorie deficit without feeling deprived or hungry.”

In addition, if we are going to opt for a sport, it is best to “follow a cardiovascular and strength training, such as lifting weights, using resistance bands or Pilates, 5 to 7 days a week”. As for moderate-intensity cardio, we can walk fast, run, ride a bike or swim, for about 20 minutes.

Also, if we want to lose fat and not muscle, we must do strength training to help preserve and develop muscles and can increase the body’s metabolic rate for more than 72 hours. If we manage to gain muscle, not only will we not lose it, but we will accelerate our metabolism and thereby lose weight faster. Most experts recommend at least 2-3 strength training sessions per week, followed by a couple of days off to allow for muscle rebuilding.
The best exercises to really lose weight and how many calories they burn per hour.

A correct diet to lose weight

In addition to the previously mentioned exercise, to maintain muscles during weight loss, we must eat enough protein. For this we have to try to obtain 1.4 to 2 grams of protein per kilo of weight per day or, what is the same, 20 to 40 grams of protein per meal.

Here is an idea of healthy foods with a high protein load:

Blue Fish. Oily fish is a versatile, high-calorie food that offers impressive health benefits. Salmon is a good option, as it is high in omega-3 fats and nutrients that reduce fluid retention. In addition, it contains proteins and amino acids that accelerate metabolism, making it a powerful ally for weight loss.

On average, about 85 grams of salmon has 133 calories, 5 grams of fat, 22 grams of protein, and zero carbohydrates. In addition, it provides 82% of the amount of vitamin B12 that the body needs.


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