Diet to lose 10 kilos: 15 healthy and consistent tips


Losing weight is a need that many people have, whether for aesthetic, health, or other reasons.

We could think of it as a simple task to perform “control what we eat.” However, at the moment of truth, the task is not so much. For that reason, in this article, we are going to see 15 tips to be able to build and carry out a diet to lose 10 kilos in a consistent and healthy way.

How do I lose 10 kilos and why 10 kg?

The first thing that squeaks me in this article is having called it “diet to lose 10 kilos”. I have used this terminology because it is a very frequent demand that patients have when they arrive for consultation: to lose 10 kilos.

However, on this, it is necessary to make some nuances.

The first is that weight is not the best indicator. As I tell you in this article about bioimpedance, what is really relevant is body composition.

I ask most of my patients that in addition to changing their eating habits, they also do sports. Depending on the type of sport, we will generate more or less muscle mass. And the muscle weighs, a lot in addition.

On the other hand, there is no point in pursuing an “ideal weight” either, since it does not exist.

Next, I am going to tell you my proposal on how to lose 10 kilos or whatever, but I already anticipate something, we are not going to go crazy.

With this diet, will I lose 10 kilos in a week?

Today we know perfectly well the risks that restrictive diets have for physical and emotional health. I do not know if it is possible to lose 10 kilos in a week, I suppose that in some cases, yes, but it seems like an outrage to me.

The objective is to achieve a sustainable change in habits over time. I’m sure that even if you manage to lose a lot of weight in a short time, you will end up regaining it later. This is called the rebound effect.

To lose weight, it is better to have a constant speed than to accelerate.

How long does it take to lose 10 kilos?

The answer, even if I don’t agree, is it depends.

It depends because each metabolism is different, and because the margin to lose that a person with a body fat index of 30% has is not the same as that of a person with 15%.

Experts say that the best way to lose weight is to do it progressively, losing about a kilo and a half every 20 days. So, assuming that we could lose about 2 kilos a month, the old woman’s accounts would be telling us that in about 5 months we could lose 10 kilos in a healthy way.

How much exercise to do to lose 10 kilos?

To this, I cannot give you an answer, although it is another quite frequent question. There are types of sports that favor weight loss more than others. For example, doing a cross fit functional training is not the same as lifting weights in the gym.

All this will depend on energy expenditure and its relationship with food.

15 tips to lose weight fast and well

Come on now, yes, I don’t get involved anymore, but it seemed important to clarify those points:

1. Don’t assume there are forbidden foods

In the consultation I always tell my patients, we are going to build a “diet” forever. Do you see yourself your whole life without ever tasting an ounce of chocolate?

If the answer is yes, go ahead. If not, that type of diet is not for you.

2. Beware of empty calories

It is quite common to worry about what we eat, but not so much about what we drink. Alcohol has a large number of empty calories.

That is, it is a very caloric product, but it does not have any nutritional value. This does not mean that you will not try out again, but that you take it into account.

3. Eat whole foods whenever you can

Whole foods are not less caloric, but they do have some benefits:

Among them, which are usually more satiating. This is because they have a low glycemic index, so energy absorption occurs in a sustained way over time.

In addition, they are usually richer in fiber, so they favor the correct absorption of nutrients and promote digestion.

4. Don’t run away from carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are still our main source of energy. I know there are studies that show the benefits of low-carb diets.

My advice is that you do not eliminate them completely, just take them in the proper proportions. If, for example, you prepare a pasta dish. That is not pasta and some vegetables.

If not, backward, vegetables and some pasta.

5. Don’t be fooled

The weight loss market is one of the most profitable markets out there. This is because it responds to a great need, and therefore it is easy to sell magic remedies.

We have everything from fat burners to magical diets. Runaway from all this.

What healthy diets to lose weight would you recommend?
6. Get physical exercise

Besides being healthy, being sedentary has a lot to do with being overweight. Often a patient tells me “I have a slow metabolism.”

The way to activate your metabolism is simple: do physical exercise.

7: Exercise, but don’t just run

Generally, when we think about losing weight and doing sports, the first thing that comes to mind is running.

Actually, running is not the best type of exercise to burn fat. Eye! I am not saying that it is not useful, I am saying that it is not the best. The most appropriate is functional training.

On the other hand, increasing muscle mass will also be a great idea to lose weight, since this will increase your basal metabolism.

8. Don’t restrict

I understand that when we want to lose weight, there has to be a part of self-control. However, I have more than proven that the diets that work best are those that are more flexible.

Even if we progress more slowly, nothing happens.

9. Do not compensate

One act that dieters often perform is that when they “overdo it,” they compensate in some way. For example, if at lunchtime, I have ordered a high-calorie dish, I will not have dinner that night. By doing this, several things happen:

The first one is that we drive our metabolism crazy, and trust me, the best thing we can do for him is to leave him alone. On the other hand, we can end up developing an unstable pattern of control / lack of control.

10. Supplements yes or supplements no?

I used to tell you to run away from pills and magic remedies.

There are many resources that can be useful such as chitosan extra forte. These capsules made of crustacean fiber what they do is absorb part of the fat. So, they are a valid resource for celebrations, specific dates where there will be feasts, etc.

11. The damn anxiety

Sometimes the problem with food is not with food, but with ourselves. In this article, I cannot give you the keys to solve this part.

However, at least you know, that until this part is addressed, it will be difficult to achieve the goal of losing weight.

12. Read the nutrition label, without obsessing over it

The food industry is very scalable. She has become an expert in making us understand that certain foods are healthy when they are not “without added sugar”, “0% fat” and others.

The only way to avoid being strained is to learn to read nutritional labels. Now, yes, without going crazy.

13. Do not dispense with the pleasure of food

The diet that works best is the one we enjoy. If the goal is to stop enjoying food, this is surely doomed.

It is about finding healthier alternatives, homemade or whatever, to be able to enjoy food.

14. Hit the kitchen

In line with the comment in the previous point, it would be very positive to begin to develop a positive bond with the kitchen.

One of the reasons why we end up eating badly is often due to a lack of ideas or creativity. When we have different options, it is easier to follow a healthy eating plan.

15. Stop gordofobia

This point is partly a plea, but on the other, believe it or not, it is practical advice.

Many of my patients tell me that they feel disgusted or hate when they look in the mirror. Overweight may be more or less attractive to us, but it is certainly not a sign of failure or shame.

If we start the path of fighting against ourselves, it will be very long and suffering.

How should a diet be to lose weight?

What I was telling you at the beginning of the article, we don’t have to go crazy.

The classic Mediterranean diet would be an ideal example of healthy and optimal eating to maintain a normal weight: a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and cereals.

With its corresponding part of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

From there, it is about deconditioning the bad habits built in relation to food, and that is not your fault. Think that we live in a world that invites us to consume, and that has made us addicted (in my opinion) to products with refined oils, sugar, and trans fats.


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